Best jobs for empaths

So which are the best jobs for empaths?

My research has shown that we empaths tend to excel in areas of caregiving because of our understanding, huge empathy, and our ability to sense other’s feelings and emotions, and know exactly what to say to help them, but as great as taking on a role like this is, it is a double edged sword, because in being constantly subjected to this environment, you are completely draining yourself.

This is why it is important to come up with ways to recharge, and cope in these situations.

We must also try and look out for, and avoid energy vampires were possible.


Here is a list of the best jobs for empaths....

  • Artists
  • Librarians
  • Writers
  • Landscape designers
  • Gardeners
  • Forest ranger
  • Self-employed business owners
  • Health care professionals
  • Psychologists
  • Guidance counselors
  • Nurses
  • Veterinarians/Animal rescue
  • Teachers
  • Life coaches
  • Social workers

Creative Empath

You will notice that as well as care-giving roles, the empath also thrive in creative roles.

We tend to be quite skilled in areas that require creativity and flare, and we get much enjoyment from making things that others can enjoy.

I for one love to draw and be creative, and for a short time I had a small business designing and creating wall decal stickers, but in typical empath style, I allowed others to exploit my generosity and giving nature, and at their request, found myself creating large, elaborate decals for friends, and ended up making a loss because I did it all for free, using up all my time and materials.

I just couldn't bring myself to charge a fee to 'so-called friends', but unfortunately this lead to my business's downfall.

I totally get why empaths would make great counsellors. Our ability to pick up on the unspoken word, to place ourselves in the client's shoes, and to empathise with any given situation is a must for anyone giving out advice, especially in a professional setting, but the only trouble is, as I've mentioned before, it is very difficult to take on that kind of role without it taking its toll on you emotionally, and ultimately physically (see Stress causing physical ailments).

You deserve the best, and that means being in a job that you love!