During my research, I have come across many websites that claim that there are different types of empaths, some say there are 5 types, some say 14! But before I list what they are, I wanted to share my opinion on this.
If you read each brief description, you may find that you actually have the characteristics of some of them, or maybe even all of them, so which type would this label you as?
I prefer to say (and this is just my opinion), that the term empath covers all of the types listed in some way or another, and that we shouldn't be pigeon-holed into a specific type, after all, can we just be one type?
An empath has the ability to pick up on peoples emotions, and will feel connected to animals and nature, and we also have the ability to develop our psychic and healing abilities, as well as being 'body knowing' and picking up on physical pains in others, and also developing our own ailments due to the stress that we endure from negative energies.
The Psychometric empath may pick up on an emotional connection to a certain geographical place, or a specific object that may hold sentimental value to someone.
They can usually sense the emotional energy from an object, an event, or a location.
An emotional empath can sense and feel the emotions of others, including people they know, or even strangers, picking up on their energy.
I feel that this is a standard empath trait, so I wouldn't necessarily class this as a type on its own.
The animal empath will feel a special connection towards animal life, and they can sense the wants and needs of your pet, but also wild animals.
Fauna empaths are sensitive towards the vibrations that animals give off, and the animals can sense that connection too.
You may find that frightened or timid pets warm to the empath more easily and quickly,
A physical empath is very in tune with other people‘s physical symptoms, and they can sense when someone may be in ill health.
These empaths can often manifest the same symptoms as the unwell person, but in the reverse, they may also feel energised from those who are in optimal health.
Indigo empaths are very good at picking up on the bad intentions of others, sensing when someone is up to no good, or has bad intent.
They have a strong desire to protect and advocate for others.
The medium or psychic empath has the ability to connect with entities from the spirit realm or the afterlife.
They often pick up on spirit entities when walking into a room, or visiting a specific place, and they can sense the energies around them, perceiving information from beyond the five normal senses.
An earth empath or geomantic empath has a special connection to Mother Nature, and they can often sense when a natural disaster may happen.
They can also sense the pain of the earth and its changes, all around them.
A telepathic empath can often read other people’s thoughts, and although they may not always be able to read them word for word, they can tell what's on your mind without you having to say anything.
They can intuitively sense what others are thinking or feeling.
Many years ago I placed an order on Etsy for some 3D butterfly stickers for my beloved sister in-law, who was sadly diagnosed with terminal cancer at the time, and I messaged the lady to ask about delivery times.
Without me saying anything, she said "thinking of you, I will put a few extra stickers in for you" I said that's very kind of you, and then she came back with this...
"Aww Sue, we are are all so very lucky until something so tragic happens, we don't realise it. If life was only so much easier and less painful. None of it makes sense and I imagine your friend is not very old. I don't mean to be intrusive, it just makes me wonder why, and I would think that she is a lovely person, and that makes it even harder to question why. My heart goes out to you, it truly does, and I am so sorry. You are bringing some happiness to her and that is a beautiful gesture, not making light of the situation, but so glad she has you"
I responded with this....
I'm finding it hard to know how to respond because I am in shock! How did you know? Thank you for your kind words, I'm feeling very emotional and in disbelief because I wasn't expecting that!.
She then replied with.....
"Sue, I don't know why, but it only ever happens to the best of us, and there are never any reasons, it is the hardest thing to deal with and so many questions as to why. In these tragic times in our lives the most precious things we have are our friends and family. I will never understand the pain that we have to go through. All I know is that if it were me, I would be so happy to have a friend like you".
I replied with.....
Thank you for your comforting words. I do have to ask myself why bad things happen to good people, but I guess we will never truly know. I just hope that when they pass, they go to a better place. Have you always been psychic?
She responded....
"Awww my darling I am not a psychic, I just get a feeling, I think it's empathy. I have been there so many times, I have the damaging ability to feel others pain, Sometimes that's a bad thing, but I would never change it for the world as it makes me who I am, and it also makes you who you are. Beautiful people stay in our hearts forever, they never go, and never leave us."
This message exchange was 10 years ago, and it still sticks out in my mind.
I now know that she is a telepathic empath as opposed to a psychic, and how amazing that she could decipher my emotions over distance!! Amazing that's all I can say!
A molecular empath is said to be able to connect with others on a deeper level, possibly at a molecular level, which means that they have the ability to ascertain the true nature of a stranger.
A plant or flora empath has the ability to know how to make gardens flourish, knowing exactly what is needed for the plants to thrive.
A claircognizant empath is someone who is aware of what is going on around them, without having to be informed.
They will have the ability to receive intuitive messages, and will often just know where a particular object is, or they might have a strong sense of direction to a place that they have never been to before.
A precognitive empath can often correctly predict an outcome of a situation that makes them seem physic or clairvoyant.
They can also sense the future, either through dreams, heightened emotions, or premonitions.
A dream empath is usually highly sensitive to dreams, and can find the true meaning in them.
They can interpret their own dreams very successfully and also help others find the true meaning behind their dreams.
They may have vivid dreams that they remember clearly, or have repetitive dreams, and can often manipulate them in order to alter the outcome.
They may even feel more comfortable in the dream world than in the real world.
The Heyoka empaths are said to be the most powerful of all the empaths.
They act as a spiritual mirror, reflecting the lessons you are needing to learn, showing you your true self.
Derived from Native American culture, Heyoka is a term used for describing people who operate in an unconventional way.
They challenge societal norms, disrupt patterns, and mirror the energy of the world back onto itself.
Morphing empaths tend to shift their behaviour to fit in with the onlooker’s assumptions.
They unconsciously morph their personality traits to fit the profile of another person’s beliefs, and can subconsciously pick up on how another wants, or expects them to be.
Let me explain further:
When someone has a strong opinion of who they ‘believe’ you are, they mould it into a clear mental picture, and because many Empaths inadvertently pick up other people’s beliefs and take them on, they may unintentionally morph their personality to fit the mental impressions coming from another person.
When an Empath starts morphing, their behaviour changes. They talk in ways not typical of them, they feel different and sense that they are acting out of character but cannot shake it off.
When they are no longer in that person’s presence, the morphing empath may be left scratching their head as to why they acted in such a way, especially after they tried to be their true self.
types of empath
I definitely feel that I resonate with the morphing empath the most, but not exclusively. I have characteristics across most of the empath types.
A dark empath is a person with high levels of cognitive empathy, and has high levels of offensive personality traits, such as the dark triad. (The dark triad is a personality theory that describes three socially aversive traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy).
Cognitive empathy is the ability to understand and share another person's emotions, using cognitive empathy to imagine what someone else might be feeling, to predict how someone might respond in a social situation, and using it to learn to see another person's struggles from their perspective, but dark empaths use this compassion as a tool for control, making them harder to spot, but potentially more dangerous in personal and professional settings.
They exploit their ability to understand how other people think and feel, and they essentially manipulate people through their words and actions to get what they want, much like the narcissist.
An example of this would be putting you down when you say you are in distress, by saying that it is all in your imagination.
Phrases like that are known as gaslighting. (Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that causes someone to doubt their own reality, thoughts, or feelings).
types of empath
In my personal opinion, I can't see how you can have such a thing as a dark empath.
Empaths use their abilities for good, and don't inflict pain and suffering on others, because they know what it feels like to be subjected to such negative emotions.
To manipulate others in such a way is to follow the path of a typical narcissist, so I would be more inclined to say that they are in fact a narcissist, not an empath in any way, shape or form!
So, as you can see, there are many types of empaths, and you may find yourself wondering if you are a true empath because you may not have all of these incredible abilities, but please do not worry....
As I mentioned above, you don't have to possess every single trait to be a true empath.
I for one can relate to a lot of the characteristics listed, but not all.
You know in yourself who you truly are.
types of empath
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