I have recently come across the term ‘energy vampire’ which is something an empath will unfortunately have to face, in particular, the narcissist, who drain us purposely and manipulatively.
Narcissists tend to gravitate towards empaths due to our caring and giving nature, so you have to be wary of them.
These six common symptoms of narcissism can help you identify a narcissist:
You may come across a lot of literature about empath’s attracting narcissists, and this is unfortunately due to our need to help those around us. We tend to fall for the narcissists self pity, with a growing urge to save them.
See more about the narcissist here
Other forms of ‘energy vampires’ are those that are chronic complainers, which are a subtle but constant negative energy.
Then there are the manipulators, drama queens, and those locked in ‘victim mode’.
I also find that I waste my energy on people that really don't deserve it. For example, rude people that have no manners. It really gets to me if I hold a door open for someone and they don't say thank you, or if I'm in my car and I let someone go in front of me and they don't thank me. It drives me crackers and 5 minutes later I'm still mad about it, as it is just common decency, which sadly a lot of people lack.
My dad always says to me.... there's no use letting these people get to you, because they are off on their merry away, oblivious! and you are there still seething, so who has won?
Try not to let them get to you... deep breath and carry on.
Of course, I am not saying that we fellow empath’s are all perfect, we just have a more difficult hurdle to deal with as opposed to non-empaths.
We really need to reflect on the relationships in our lives, and question which of them we actually need, or want to keep.
I know that this sounds quite harsh, but it is a necessary precaution in order to protect ourselves.
The trouble with this I have found, is that you sadly come to realise that there aren’t many people you want to keep in your life, and like me, real friendships become few and far between.
There will of course be those that you have no choice to keep in your life, such as colleagues or family members.
Unfortunately, being around these constant negative energy fields can lead to feelings of unhappiness, hatred, bitterness, and anxiety, and therefore we need to, where possible, avoid or set clear boundaries.
I personally have always struggled in places of work because I have inevitably had to be surrounded by energy vampires on a daily basis, and I have found it profoundly difficult to tolerate people that I just don’t understand.
As I was growing up, before being aware that empath’s exist, I assumed that everyone thought the same, or at least carried the same amount of empathy that I did, so I was always left feeling so confused as to how others could treat me so badly.
I always took it so personally, and the truth is, it hurt a lot.
To outsiders it would always appear that I was just overly sensitive, but I couldn’t get my head around other people’s negative behaviours. Why would someone bully someone? Why would someone cheat on their partner? How could someone hurt an animal? All these unanswered questions just lead me to feel even more alone in this world.
I have suffered great trauma at the hands of others, experiencing much betrayal, and when you do nothing to deserve such treatment, you are left believing that there is something wrong with you, and then comes the self pity, why is this always happening to me?
We become our own energy vampire, and that’s self destructive. There are enough people in the world bringing us down, without our own minds doing the same. We need to realise that we can’t fix everything, and even though we are incredible at it, we shouldn’t justify everyone’s reasons for doing bad things.
Going back to the work environment, another struggle that I faced was due to my compassion and understanding nature.
I was often promoted to a higher position, because I always had a clear understanding of what was expected of me, and would always try to excel in my role, and exceed my manager’s expectations.
This wasn’t to become the teacher’s pet as they say, but because I can always put myself in other people’s shoes, and know what I would expect in that role if I were the boss, and of course my tact and diplomacy certainly helped, yet in turn, I would create enemies, presumably due to jealousy.
Why should I get the promotion above others?
Most would say that I didn’t have the right attitude. For example, when I became a supervisor of a number of staff, I was told by another manager “if you can’t shout at your staff and put them in their place, you will never get their respect” but that just wasn’t me!
I was a good supervisor because I could relate to the staff, and ask them in a pleasant manner to carry out tasks for me without the need to throw my authority around, but this was seen as a weakness by many. It’s very tough.